Latest News from South Carolina

What is happening in the Deep South? The latest news in South Carolina about the weather are those chilly days are ahead of us and some rain late on Thursday – clouds may be around until Saturday, but we are looking at a dry and chilly weekend. Also, prepare for a history of near-record cold tonight! Other good news in South Carolina is that the state has 2 billion dollars extra in the budget. Furthermore, with the news in South Carolina are that Costco warns customers about fake 75 dollars coupons on social media – they say that the offer is a scam and urged its customers to stop spreading on facebook. More awesome news in South Carolina is about the Grand Opening Yuletide Unicorn Festival at ‘Unicorn Farm’ in Fountain Inn to celebrate the world’s fascination with these mythical creatures and their new farm.

Moving to South Carolina: Everything you Need to Know

If you’re thinking of moving to South Carolina, you are not alone. It will be good for you because South Carolina is a beautiful state with great cities, lots of good restaurants, low taxes and the weather is great. It has so much to offer in terms of natural beauty and history of culture. If you’ve never been to South Carolina, you must book a trip there. South Carolina has the most beautiful beaches on the east coast and the stunning Grand Strand. It is a state of rising and there is a great housing market, lower unemployment and job search is easier. There is also less traffic and living there is affordable. South Carolina is the right place to do business and living here provides you a better and healthier lifestyle. South Carolina has the best golfing in the country and has some stunning geography – Hills, mountains, and coastlines, there is truly something for everyone.

State Facts and History Of

The history of South Carolina says that King Charles I granted the land to Sir Robert Heath in 1629. The original name of the land was Carolus, Latin for Charles, as a tribute to the king. History of Charles comes to an end when Oliver Cromwell became a king and after his death, England returns to a monarchy, with Charles II as her king. He renamed the land Carolina in 1663 and awarded to a group known as the Eight Lords Proprietors. History of USA says that in the 17th century Carolina begins to slowly separate in two – North Carolina and South Carolina, to finally split into two different colonies in 1710.
A few state facts about South Carolina – Its population is five million, it covers 30,190 mi2, the state flower is Carolina Yellow Jessamine, the state’s nickname is Palmetto State, the state tree is Palmetto tree, the state bird is the Carolina Wren, the official state song is Carolina, the capital and also the largest city is Columbia, it has 103 school districts and there are 1,140 K-12 schools. History of South Carolina is great and it’s a really, really awesome country to move to.

Economy, Housing and Job Market

South Carolina is in a great economy state. It also has one of the lowest property taxes in the country and uses a progressive income tax structure to help reduce any shortfall. Its income tax model is the same as the federal income tax laws and the news in South Carolina confirm that.
More and more people are moving in South California because of its high rate of employment. That means housing prices will rise and for the next year, it’s predicted that it will rise 4,1%. The average home value is $150,600, in comparison to national average of around $200,000. The average rent price is $1,300 per month.
A big part of the state is ruled by tourism, hospitality and tech industries, and just last year those industries alone saw a rise of 3% in jobs. Some cities have been seeing a surge in job opportunities, such as Columbia with a steady and growing job market in manufacturing, health care, information technology, and education.

Entertainment and Things to Do

Very popular entertainment ways in South Carolina are these luxury legal casino cruises where you can play for real money. This is South Carolina’s only casino which is on two luxury yachts. There are a lot of casino games which offer you to earn some real money. The most popular casino games are poker tables, roulette games, and slot games. It’s on Myrtle Beach and has many ways of entertainment, such as fine dining and lunching with live music.
Myrtle Beach is the cost of fun in the Atlantic Ocean and here you can relax with some fine wine and play your favorite casino games in this legal casinos, such as slot games and roulette games, and maybe earn a serious amount of money, while you enjoy yourself.


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